We Have Your Asset Management Solution
August 6, 2023

With the FTA’s final rules on the State of Good Repair (SGR) all transit agencies are now accountable for all assets purchased with government funds and grants, and the condition and safety of those assets. Not only do you need a comprehensive list of the items, but you must also report on the current condition, planned maintenance, repairs and more. If assets are below a working standard there must be a plan in place for repair or replacement with a corresponding timeline and visible accountability to internal and external stakeholders. This is a huge task with an incredible amount of complexity.
Trackit’s Asset Manager
At Trackit our goal is simplicity, ease of use and cost effective solutions. That’s why we created Trackit’s Asset Manager, you can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and have a complex system no one knows how to use or you can use Trackit’s affordable Asset Manager. Using a Tablet easily collect and catalogue assets; report on asset conditions; log inspections; develop a maintenance, repair and replacement schedule; and produce the needed records and reports. All information is in one searchable online database.
Data is collected in the field on a Tablet, no more pieces of paper that need to be entered in a computer in the home office. Information becomes part of the record instantly and can be maintained in an ongoing Transit Asset Management (TAM) effort verses a once every three year major project. Enter an asset, when it is put into service; add the useful life, and define the maintenance schedule. Take pictures of the asset. Simply add repairs and maintenance as they are made. With tablets in the hands of field personnel, information is continually collected. As information is entered it becomes part of the permanent asset record and is instantly available.
We saw this problem and we have the solution. Trackit’s Asset Manager is available to help meet these new requirements, provide the platform to put plans in place and help your organization keep those Federal Funds flowing!